Friday, October 21, 2011

Yikes! Pumpkins!

Well, I'm learning every day more about vermicomposting.  Mainly, what NOT to do.  I grew Long Pie Pumpkins this summer both at home and in Vermont.  Long Pie Pumpkin I have tons of these luscious pumpkins that look like orange zucchinis.  While making pies, breads, stews etc.  I threw some pumpkin innards into the Worm Factory 360.  WOW!  The seeds sprouted and mighty little guys that they are, in their quest for light, they were trying to open the bin.   So, yesterday I opened up the bin, performed surgery, and now we are back to normal.  Phew!
Lesson learned: All pumpkins seeds should be roasted for human consumption or pulverized before feeding the worms!