Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Homemade Yogurt

I started buying Jersey milk from Appleton Farm in Ipswich.  So good and so local!  It is available at Appleton Farm and at Green Meadow Farm.  I grew up with Jersey cows, so I was excited about this.  The milk comes in glass bottles.  There is a $2 deposit for the bottle, so don't put it in your recycling bin.  Please rinse and return it to the Farmstand. Learn more about the milk
Last week I made a wonderful batch of yogurt.  I was pleasantly surprised to find out that my yogurt came out fine sitting overnight in a cooler with jars of hot water.  No need to buy a yogurt maker.

For more information about making yogurt, kefir and chevre go to http://find.galegroup.com/menu/commonmenu.do?userGroupName=mlin_n_hamwen  Type "how to make yogurt." The article I found was  How to make your own yogurt, kefir, chevre: tap the benefits of delicious fermented milk products. Lynn Keiley. Mother Earth News. .208 (February-March 2005) p116. Word Count: 1529.